Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Peoples' Republic of the United Socialist States of America

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

That is the scariest sentence in any language. The government of the United States in particular is about to majorly screw up many things. Evidently the oh-so-wise liberals voted in Dear Leader Obama to usher in a new age of change. Oh yes, we’re getting our “change! Change! CHANGE!!!” that he promised us.

The change is coming in the form of the United States becoming the People’s Republic of the United Socialist States of America.

Obama’s sure been doing wonderfully in his six months as Dear Leader. Let’s see: This stimulus that he said had to pass in order to keep unemployment below 8%? Yeah, unemployment now stands at about 9.4%. WOW! That’s some great figurin’ there, Barry! How about the fact that this “critical” piece of legislature has done a huge part in bankrupting America? The deficit has quadrupled since Obama’s been in power. And now here comes ObamaCare. Ah, yes, the great Chosen One comes forth with this plan to give us health care! “Yay! The uninsured and unwashed masses will now get insurance and I can get it too if I want it! Puppies! Rainbows!”

Give me a break.

You libs and spineless kowtowing Republicans seriously need to look at the facts. On the surface it looks great because “Dear Leader is going to take care of his people.” Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news for you: There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Do some research on how bad the healthcare systems are in the countries that have socialized healthcare. People have to wait months or even years for simple procedures that can greatly improve their quality of life by ridding them of needless pain. There are people from Canada who come to the US for operations because otherwise they’d have to wait a very ridiculous amount of time to get these done at home. Of course, somebody’s going to have to pay for all of this. That’s right, you and I are going to be the ones holding the check.

“But Dear Leader’s going to make the rich pay their fair share!” Well, I hate to tell you but “the rich paying their fair share” equals wealth redistribution which equals Communism. After all, we’re talking about a President whom Hugo Chavez referred to as “Comrade Obama.” Do you really think it’s fair to be punished because you’re successful? Don’t think for one second that I’m saying that people should be allowed loopholes and tax shelters to keep from paying their fair share. The key there, though, is a fair share. I don’t think taxing someone at essentially 60%+ of their income is very fair.

Democrats of today are not the Democrats of the Kennedy era. Democrats now are
liberal to the point of being radicals, outright socialist and, I daresay, they have a toe if not an entire leg over the line of being Communist. Oh, but don’t think I’m going after the Dems only. The Republicans failed America a long time ago by selling us out to corporations and lobbyists. The damage has been done and it’s going to take a very long time to fix it, if it can even be fixed. Look no further than your favorite “local” radio station for the proof.

Let me also be clear about something: I do not align myself with the Republican Party. I also do not align myself with the Democratic Party, nor do I claim any party for that matter. I’m independent; I have my own mind and I don’t need to bow to some “party” to tell me how to think. I feel that more people should be this way. All these labels are idiotic. Why are we worried about “towing the party line” and not worried about what’s truly best for the country? Selling ourselves out to corporations is not the answer and neither is becoming a colony of the European Union.

The media are a big reason why the country seems to be heading to Hell in a hand basket. ABC makes no bones about where its bread is buttered. It’s giving Dear Leader what essentially amounts to a free infomercial on why he’s the fearless leader and the chosen one to lead us out of the depths of depression and recession. I guess CNN, MSNBC and the countless number of liberal rags (I’m looking at you New York Times and other “newspapers”) weren’t enough, now we need an over the air broadcaster. The media are failing more and more with each passing day in their mission to report the facts. Now all we get is commentary and “spin.” Basically, instead of knowing the news, we’re to sort through all the crap and try to figure out who’s telling the truth and who’s giving us their opinions. Unfortunately that’s hard to do. Way to confuse the masses, media.

While I’m on the media: Their treatment of Sarah Palin and her family has been shameful. If a conservative talk show host says anything remotely having a hint of insult about a libber, they’re skewered. David Letterman made a very crude joke about Governor Palin’s 14 year old daughter and hardly anyone in the mainstream media batted an eye. This is disgraceful. No! There’s no double standard! Truth is, the media was laughing at this. And what’s this? No women’s group came out in support of Governor Palin except for NOW (and even that was probably only for show)? Wow, simply disgusting. David Letterman is allowed to keep his job with Communist Broadcasting System while Bill O’Reilly (who even I think is an idiot sometimes) would probably be shot at for making a similar comment about Chelsea Clinton. Does anyone else see something wrong with this?

Now we’re becoming a Communist stepchild colony of the European Union when you break it down. The government controls the banks, at least one of the auto makers and the mainstream media (through the Democratic Party’s stronghold). I can’t believe that we’re standing for this. Why aren’t people outraged by this behavior? Why aren’t we outraged about the government slowly taking over everything in the country? Some say “it’s temporary to keep jobs.” Hugo Chavez, Hitler and Fidel Castro said the same things I’m sure and look where their countries wound up. When will you wake up and realize that what’s going on is wrong and goes against everything the founders of this country intended. We hold protests for what’s going on in Sudan, the elections in (insert country here) or to save the whales. Why aren’t we protesting what our own government is doing to our country?

Or are we so apathetic that we just don’t care? “As long as it doesn’t affect me I don’t care.” Bad news for you sunshine: It does affect you and will also affect your kids and their kids (and possibly more generations). Our taxes are about to skyrocket, especially if Dear Leader gets his health plan passed. The notion of someone who chooses to sit at home and not have a job benefiting from my hard work sickens me and it should sicken you too. I’m a big proponent of personal responsibility, something that liberals (and many others) take pleasure in downplaying. “It takes a village to raise a child” is probably the biggest load of bunk ever; it takes parents to raise a child, not Dear Leader Obama and other government drones.

The United States of America is about to be no more and no one cares. We’ve been put into the gallows of socialism and outright Communism and we’re happy about it! Come on, wake up and stop with the insanity. Don’t let Dear Leader, Hilary “I Got the Consolation Prize Position” Clinton and Nancy “Pesky” Pelosi or the media dictate your thoughts. Do some research and find out the truth. If people had a clue at what’s really going on right now, there would be protests in the streets.

Maybe that isn’t such a bad idea.
